2021-10-01 11:00  P5A-1

Bell inequality and moving mirror model

Naoki Watamura

Bell inequality is a bound that is satisfied in classical mechanics, but not necessarily in entangled states. In the non-quantum theory, which is in a class of so-called local realistic theory or local hidden variable theory, where no entanglement exists, Bell inequality is satisfied. If the theory is quantum and there is an entanglement, that measurement is also bounded but with a larger number than the case for non-quantum. This is the so-called violation of Bell inequality. On the other hand, the moving mirror model is a good playground to test some quantum field theories in curved spacetime, and recently it is one major tool to test the physics of blackhole. Hawking radiation is a consequence from the quantum theory, and it is expected to be entangled with the interior of blackhole, and so is the analog Hawking radiation in moving mirror model. In this talk, I will talk about some general situation of the violation of Bell inequality, and then show some relation with the analog Hawking radiation in moving mirror model.